Adult Training

Adult volunteers are at the heart of Scouting, so we hope that you will get every bit as much out of it as you put in. Scouting is not only about young people, but also about the development of adults within the movement, this is achieved through a comprehensive programme of training to build on existing skills and knowledge and develop new competencies.

The information below will guide your through the training requirements but please don't hesitate to contact the Training Team using our contact form if you need additional information or assistance.

For more information on training and validation of leadership roles please see here.

All training records are held on the Scout Associations Membership management System (known as Compass). It is worth checking that all your information is correct on the system. The links below will help you get started on Compass;

Every volunteer role at the Scouts needs to complete training. Follow these three easy steps to get started with your training journey.

Step 1 - Check the training requirements for your role

Training modules that you need to complete depend on the volunteer role that you are taking on. To find out the modules you need, visit Appointments: Table 2 which lists all roles and their training requirements. 

Step 2 - Complete your Personal Learning Plan with your Training Adviser

We know that many Scout volunteers have prior learning which they can apply to their Scouts role. Meet with your Training Adviser and complete your Personal Learning Plan together, recognising your previous experience.

Your Training Adviser will be able to help you identify the modules when you discuss your Personal Learning Plan​ with them (if you have a role that requires this). This’ll help you identify the learning you need, as well as choosing the method of validation that’s right for you.

Personal Learning Plan Downloads:

There are personal learning plan templates available to download from the UK Headquarters website.

Personal Learning Plans for BSO use:

Step 3 - Complete your training modules

Work through the mandatory and role specific modules for all volunteers and discover your ongoing learning requirements and supplementary modules. To complete your Wood Badge training you need to complete the modules within training for all appointments.

Discover the modules using the links below:

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