For members across Southern Europe affected by the current weather warnings around extreme heat.
Met Éireann and all European Metrological offices have issued warnings around extreme heat this week in parts of Southern Europe. Following these warnings, please do take a moment to review your plans.
Keep yourself up to date with weather warnings from the Met Éireann before completing any activities. Consider what impact the hot weather will have on your activities, think about what you’re doing, when you’re doing it and where you’re doing it. Try and stay in the shade, keep cool and make sure everyone is protected from the sun and drinking plenty. Check out the guidance for hot weather and summer activities for more tips. The NHS has also published guidance on coping with hot weather.
Also think about fire safety, with hot and dry weather there is a greater risk of a fire spreading. Before setting up your stove or building your fires, check if it’s necessary – is there an alternative, make sure you check for any local restrictions, keep a good distance from any natural materials which could combust and have a water bucket on hand. The Scouts have created a dedicated “Hot weather and Summer activity advice” page on their website.
All of these considerations will lead to a review of your risk assessments, please communicate any changes in how things are being managed to everyone involved so they can play their part in keeping everyone safe.
Best wishes,
District Commissioner – Southern Europe
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